Friday, 30 March 2012

House on Haunted Hill

Ok here we go my first video review. Enjoy!

Overall film rating 7 out of 10

Blog Update

Hi guys, i thought i would quickly update those that have been looking at my blog that the blog title is now called Talk Films, and the site name has now been changed to

I hope to get to another review done soon and  hope you are all looking forward to it.

Until next time........

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Titanic/ Titanic 3D

Ok now i may touch a nerve with some people on this one as i know plenty of you out there will say this is one of the best movies or certainly most memorable movies out there. I will agree its memorable but unfortunately for me its memorable for all the wrong reasons. I haven't seen the 3D version of the movie yet, but i fail to see what difference it is going to make especially since this movie was not designed to be a 3D movie. The whole gimmick (and yes it is a gimmick) is a waste of time and in my opinion, if a movie is good enough, it doesn't need to resort to literally dangling some keys in front of me to get my attention. Its only fitting that this movie was directed by James Cameron who was also responsible for Avatar, as it shows its not the first time he has used 3D to distract from an otherwise mediocre movie

Rant over now so lets say some good things. I always found that there were some powerful scenes in the movie, especially during the final act as it shows the pure terror of the tragedy that occurred and how it must have been. However i do feel that the main love story is undermined by the other powerful scenes and i find myself more invested in the extras then the main characters. Maybe thats just what i got from the movie and i am being a little too harsh, as at the time i first watched the movie i wasn't a fan of Leonardo DiCaprio ,which didn't help my opinion. However recently thanks to films like Inception, he has become one of my favourite actors. So maybe i need to see this again from a different perspective, but for now i wanted to express how i thought at the time i first watched it. Maybe i will do a retrospective of this review just to be as impartial as possible (which can be very difficult to do).

Feel free to leave any comments on what you think of the movie but remember, these reviews only express my personal views so they can be a little one sided.

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Video Introduction

Please excuse the bad quality in some places. I am using a webcam and its not the best camera to use, plus my laptop microphone is not good either but its my first try at a video so i hope you enjoy

Iron Sky out 4th April

Im usually going to be mainly talking about old movies and how they made me feel and what i thought of them, however i couldnt leave this film unoticed . Iron Sky which will be released 4th April. There isn't much i can say as i haven't yet seen it but i can tell already that it will be one to remember. If you don't believe me just check out the trailer below.

Sunday, 25 March 2012


Ok so here we go my first blog entry for an actual review and i gotta say im starting with a good one, Robowar. Before i start here is a poster and i have to admit the poster shows off what is a promising title.

Now right from the start you may be looking at this poster and thinking "a story about a robot and a war, what could this possibly be ripping off" but i think you may be surprised to know that this is in fact not a "Terminator" knock off but in fact a "Predator" knock off. Seems strange i know but let me explain. The movie stars the infamous Reb Brown, star of such films as "Cage" and a film that was riffed in an episode of mystery science theatre known as "Space Mutiny". Anyone who is familiar with Reb Brown will know that he is well known for his ability to scream the enemy into submission (which he does many times in this film) and is well know to star in these typical "Commando" style films and this film is no different.

Reb stars as an army commando called "Major Murphy Black" who is sent into the jungle in order to take down an experimental robot super soldier designed to search and destroy any enemy in its sights and is now malfunctioning and taking out everything in its path. He and his team of soldiers who are sent in, unaware of the dangers that lurk ahead of them and are then thrown into a survival situation where it is either them or the robot. So when i said it was a "Predator" knock off i wasn't lying before. I wont give away the story but if any of you have seen Predator it isn't too difficult to know what happens in this film but for anyone who hasn't seen it then i would say watch Predator not this film.

As far as my experience of this film goes it is a lot of fun and is that kind of bad film that does a U-turn and becomes something good again so its definitely worth the watch. Reb Brown is always funny (mostly when he doesn't mean to be) and brings something extra special to the film with his special kind of acting (nice way of saying bad acting) So all in all i would give this film a 6 out of 10. Robowar was directed by Vincent Dawn (AKA Bruno Mattei) 1989.

I hope those of you who read this enjoyed what i had to say. I tried to keep details of this film vague as i know its disappointing to have too many details given away so i am treating my blog as a synopsis rather than a detailed analysis. I will be doing the same with the other films i decide to talk about so i hope this method of writing suits those reading it.

Anyway until next time........

Side Note

Just so you know i will try not to give any spoilers of the films that i talk about in this blog however most of the films i will talk about are going to be older films so it is possible that most people would have seen it by now anyway. If not then i will keep the details of the films to a minimum in case your worried it may spoil the experience for you.

Hello Fellow Film Fans

Hi guys I have decided to make a blog which will review an array of films from different genres with no specific goal but to address my thoughts about the films I review. I have never done a blog before so if you have decided to have a look at this one let me apologise in advance if what you read goes against what you may feel towards whatever I decide to write about, these are my own opinions and as we all know opinions can differ from person to person, but please feel free to make any comments you wish as I am open minded and want to hear how you guys feel about the films as I get to them.

Anyway I hope to start adding some new posts soon so I hope you all enjoy reading them.