Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Titanic/ Titanic 3D

Ok now i may touch a nerve with some people on this one as i know plenty of you out there will say this is one of the best movies or certainly most memorable movies out there. I will agree its memorable but unfortunately for me its memorable for all the wrong reasons. I haven't seen the 3D version of the movie yet, but i fail to see what difference it is going to make especially since this movie was not designed to be a 3D movie. The whole gimmick (and yes it is a gimmick) is a waste of time and in my opinion, if a movie is good enough, it doesn't need to resort to literally dangling some keys in front of me to get my attention. Its only fitting that this movie was directed by James Cameron who was also responsible for Avatar, as it shows its not the first time he has used 3D to distract from an otherwise mediocre movie

Rant over now so lets say some good things. I always found that there were some powerful scenes in the movie, especially during the final act as it shows the pure terror of the tragedy that occurred and how it must have been. However i do feel that the main love story is undermined by the other powerful scenes and i find myself more invested in the extras then the main characters. Maybe thats just what i got from the movie and i am being a little too harsh, as at the time i first watched the movie i wasn't a fan of Leonardo DiCaprio ,which didn't help my opinion. However recently thanks to films like Inception, he has become one of my favourite actors. So maybe i need to see this again from a different perspective, but for now i wanted to express how i thought at the time i first watched it. Maybe i will do a retrospective of this review just to be as impartial as possible (which can be very difficult to do).

Feel free to leave any comments on what you think of the movie but remember, these reviews only express my personal views so they can be a little one sided.

1 comment:

  1. It was a beautiful love story but I agree that some of the other characters were extremely powerful and thought provoking. The mother for example, could I have been as brave as she was? Who knows what we are capable of. All I know is that I ended the film, as probably did many, in tears!
